13 Powerful Quotes On Infertility & IVF Journey

Infertility and IVF is one journey that can get extremely tough to handle. Alongwith mental, physical, financial and social trauma pain of infertility becomes almost unbearable. The couples and, especially women oscillate between depression and hope. Whereas depression is natural, excess of ti can actually be detrimental to your infertility medical condition. More depression = More hormonal imbalance = Prolonged infertility. Thus, we come with inspiration in the form of quotes on infertility that will keep you going even when it gets dark and scary. Remember, it is the darkest hour just before the dawn is about to break 🙂


Believe in yourself and stay strong. This infertility journey will test your patience to the limits. Depression, feeling low and negative is natural. But, remember to come out of it soon, accept it with dignity and keep moving ahead.

This powerful quote on infertility helps us resolve the biggest challenge - staying positive. Repeat this healing affirmation atleast 5 times before going to bed and see how you feel fresh and light when you wake up.

Maintain a mental balance, control your mood swings, and open your arms and mind to new thoughts so that you can analyze your infertility case or IVF failure properly thus facilitating correct decisions. In my blog , Be The Man, I talk about how you, especially women have to take charge of the situation and resolve their infertility problem like a detective solves his crime case.

A disturbed mind will surely deter the functioning of the body. In infertility and IVF cases hormones play an important role in achieving success. Mind plays games with your hormone levels. So, it is extremely important that you control your mind and not let it go astray. 9 way to prepare yourself for IVF is a great article that lays down commonly faced problems during IVF or infertility journey and practical solutions to manage infertility better.


Nobody and nothing external can make you happy. You might think shopping or going to spa is therapeutic and will make you happy. But, this sort of happiness is shallow. Real happiness comes from inside. And, no one can disturb it without your knowledge. Even if inner happiness gets disturbed momentarily then try to bring it back by repeating this quote on infertility that hits it at the very cause of it. No unhappiness = No infertility.

Don’t undermine the importance of peace and happiness. Accept what life has thrown at you.

A lot of women question their self-worth and become victim of low self-esteem. This, in most cases leads to severe depression or even attempt to suicide. Don’t let that happen to yourself.



These powerful quotes on infertility and IVF journey gives you hope and strength when the going gets tough. Hold on, have faith on yourself and soon you will get what you want - a fulfilling, happy and peaceful life.





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