Facts about iVF that infertile couple must understand

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  • #11633
    Alonelywriter alonelywriter 

    Infertility is one of the most unpleasant truths of modern times. Many infertile couples take IVF up as the last option in their course of treatment but the truth is that it is one of the best treatments for infertility and should be considered earlier. There are plenty of IVF centres which offer IVF treatment. Approach the nearest and the best IVF doctor to ensure that infertility doesn’t come in the way of your becoming a parent.

    IVF Process
    IVF is a procedure which involves many processes-

  • Ovulation stimulation
    Egg retrieval process
    Fertilization in vitro
    Embryo transfer
  • Ovulation stimulation
    It involves the study of the ovulation cycle of the female. The regularity and the status of the cycle are checked after which stimulant drugs are administered to enable the woman to produce multiple eggs in one cycle. Usually, the woman releases only one egg in a single ovulation cycle.

    Egg retrieval process
    In this process, the eggs are extracted from the body of the female once they have been released during the ovulation cycle. They are screened for their maturity and retrieved accordingly.

    Fertilization in vitro
    The egg and the sperm are allowed to fuse in a petri dish leading to the formation of an embryo.

    Embryo transfer
    This is the final stage of the IVF cycle in which the most suitable embryos are selected and implanted in the uterus of the woman.

    IVF offers high success rate along with many other advantages-

    1. IVF delivers results (and your baby)
    Many couples try out a lot of other procedures for getting their infertility treated. Sometimes the procedures work but sometimes they have to turn to IVF, which is quite frequent. It is advisable not to waste your time, money and efforts on other procedures as IVF is capable of delivering the highest success rate among the ART techniques.

    2. No Limitation Barrier
    It applies to may type of patients with many types of fertility problems. It can be used as easily for a woman with blocked tubes as for a woman with endometriosis. It may be employed for male infertility problems like low sperm count or absence of sperms.

    3. Donor friendly procedure:
    In case the woman has a problem with her ovulation process, the services of an egg donor may be used. Similarly, if the male partner has a problem with sperm production, a sperm donor may be roped in. Whatever the case, there are several options and donor facilities available to make the procedure a success.

    4. Fertility Preservation
    People can get so passionate about their careers that they often lose track of the best time to conceive. People who want to postpone the birth of their child without letting their eggs and sperms age can opt for IVF after getting their eggs frozen and sperms frozen respectively. This way, they can have their babies according to their convenience without compromising on the quality of their sperms and eggs.

    5. Better Embryo Health
    As the woman ages, she may become susceptible to having genetically abnormal embryos as the body starts deteriorating. These changes lead to unfavourable chances of implantation. Genetic abnormality can be dealt with by using pre-implantation genetic screening during the IVF cycle.

Cheqkmate_IVF Cheqkmate IVF 

Things you should know about the IVF

  • Infertility is not uncommon
  • Infertility is a very common phenomenon, affecting around 1 in 6 couples. The causes of infertility are generally related to the woman 40% of the time and the man 40% of the time, with 20% resulting from a combination of both. Around 5% of infertile couples turn to IVF to help them conceive. There are also fertile people who pursue IVF for other reasons, e.g. same-sex couples, single women, those carrying a genetic disease and those creating a savior sibling. This means that 1 in 50 babies are now born using IVF.

  • Age matters
  • When it comes to fertility treatment, the younger age it is performed the better in terms of success rates. In women, the decline in fertility begins at around 35 and accelerates through the 30s and 40s. This means that by the early 40s it is much more difficult to conceive and by 45 there is a much-reduced chance of treatment succeeding. This is due to the decline in both the number and quality of eggs in the ovaries over time. Although men’s fertility remains more stable, it also declines over time, with declining testosterone levels meaning that less sperm are produced. Similarly to women, men’s sperm acquires mutations over time meaning that sperm gradually declines in both quality and quantity. All is not lost for older patients, but if you are considering starting fertility treatment, it is better to do so sooner rather than later.

  • You may need more than one cycle of treatment
  • The success rates of IVF are around 35% on average, meaning that most patients will have to undergo a number of treatments before achieving a successful pregnancy. As new techniques are developed and fine-tuned, success rates are constantly improving, but usually only by small amounts. If you are starting fertility treatment, it is very important to think that you are starting a course of treatment, not just individual treatment cycles. This allows you to mentally prepare for the chance that you may need multiple treatments. You should ask your doctor to give you an individual estimation of success both in a single cycle and over a course of treatment. It should be noted that a recent study showed that the chance of success increases with an increased number of IVF cycles, with 65% having conceived after 6 cycles of treatment.

  • Frozen is just as good as fresh
  • Recent studies have suggested that frozen eggs and embryos are just as viable as fresh ones. If possible, it is better to freeze embryos than eggs as they are more stable and more likely to survive thawing. It has been suggested that a woman freezing 12 eggs under the age of 35 has a 50% chance of having a baby with these eggs through fertility treatment.

  • There are lots of additional techniques available
  • Many individuals/couples undergoing IVF wish to increase their chances of success by any means possible. There are a number of additional techniques which may improve success such as Embryoscope, PGD and PGS.

    Raipurivf01@gmail.com raipurivf01@gmail.com 

    1. It‘s Typically Not the First Course of Action
    You might think that if you’re having trouble getting pregnant the logical next step is IVF, when in fact there are a bunch of options in between. “The decision as to whether or not IVF is right for you is based on a thorough diagnostic workup to determine if it’s the best (or only) option for a couple to achieve pregnancy,” says Alfred Rodriguez, M.D., medical director of advanced reproductive technology at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano.

    Your doctor will start by collecting medical and sexual history from both you and your S.O., with initial tests that usually include a semen analysis, a tubal evaluation, and ovarian reserve testing. Then, based on what’s contributing to your infertility, how long it’s been going on, and your age, your doc will counsel you about your options—which can also include oral and injectable fertility meds, surgery, intrauterine insemination (where the sperm is placed directly in your uterus), or IVF. In many cases, these treatments are combined.

    2. The Process Is a Team Effort
    If the patient, doctor, and team do a good job of preparing for the IVF cycle, the treatment process should be smooth and painless. “The process involves taking daily injections (over a period of nine to 11 days) to help your body produce multiple eggs, along with periodically monitoring your progress by ultrasound and estrogen levels,” says Rodriguez. The mature eggs are then retrieved from your ovaries, fertilized by sperm in a lab, and implanted in your uterus. One cycle of IVF takes roughly two weeks to complete. “Patients are given one-on-one injection instructions prior to starting medications, as well as printed handouts,” says Rodriguez. “Some medications are injected in the lower abdomen or upper thigh, while others are intra-muscular and are given in the buttocks.” Depending on the medication, your S.O. or bestie may need to be recruited to help you out, as the injections are time-sensitive and some can be difficult to inject on your own.

    3. Your Lifestyle Affects Pregnancy Outcomes
    Everything from your BMI to how often you exercise to your eating habits can impact the odds of you getting knocked up. “Eating a diet rich in protein and vegetables will improve embryo quality,” says Wendy Chang, M.D., scientific director of the Southern California Reproductive Center. “Additionally, people who drink more alcohol and sleep less have a lower pregnancy rate. Men should also eat a protein-rich diet, limit their alcohol intake, and get plenty of sleep for best pregnancy outcomes.” Talk to your doc before trying to get pregnant so they can help you set up shop for a healthy baby.

    4. Side Effects Are Rare
    “All hormone therapy involves some risk, the most serious being the development of blood clots,” says Rodriguez. “However, this is a very rare occurrence.” (Think: less than one percent.) Side effects typically aren’t serious and can range from no side effects at all to mild headaches, breast tenderness, pelvic cramps, and/or lower backaches.

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