• IVF Support Groups
    To understand
    to be understood
  • support for infertility
    A little more persistence, a little more effort
    and hope is just there
  • support groups for infertility
    Being a mother is
  • Infertility Dost India
    It always seems impossible
    until it is done
  • Fertility Support Groups
    Believe that you can

All You Must Know About Infertility

There are many layers of suffering through the process of infertility – medical, physical, mental, psychological, financial, and social that leads to marital discord, falling into depression, even to the extent of getting suicidal, cutting oneself off socially, and a lot of trauma. There are cycles of hope and frustration. There are choices to make. There are tough decisions to take.

You can only win this battle of infertility with knowledge that steers you towards the right decision. Read our blogs where we talk about every aspect of infertility from medical, physical, emotional, social and marital relationships to financial. No topic is a taboo here.

Inspiring Stories To Keep Going On

You are not alone. We bring to you real stories from real women who have battled out the infertility struggle with dignity.

Support Group To Hold Hands

We talk about everything from infertility symptoms to treatments. We hold hands during TWW and we wipe a tear when the baby remains in heart. It is absolutely safe and secure. You can even post anonymously or under a pen name. We understand! Speak your heart out. Let the stress melt away by connecting with couples sailing in the same boat.

infertility support groups online

Get Your Queries Answered By Experts

We bring experts to answer all your queries and give you a holistic solution to infertility problems. The panel consists of expert Yoga practitioners, Ayurveda vaidyas, Acupuncture specialists, Naturopathy doctors, Nutritionists, Homeopathy and Allopathy doctors, and IVF specialists.

Share Review About A Doctor Or Clinic

Finding the right infertility specialist is like finding God. It is a demanding journey that takes a toll on your physical, emotional and financial well-being. Thus, the role of reviewing an infertility clinic, knowing their strength and weakness, and sifting out the ones that consider patients as ‘golden egg laying hen’ is crucial. We call upon all those couples who have underdone infertility treatments to share their recommendations about doctors and infertility clinics. Educate others and help find them an ideal doctor. Your perspective does matters.

Infertility dost - Gitanjali

Who Am I To Talk About Infertility?

I am a regular middle class woman like you who got into arranged marriage at the age of 23 years simply because you must get married when you reach a certain age and when your parents say. After one year of customary honeymoon it was time to hit the next milestone – motherhood. And, with this began the 10 long and gruelling years of fighting infertility.Post 5 miscarriages, 3 molar pregnancies, 1 failed IVF, a brush with ovarian cancer and finally successful pregnancy on second IVF attempt- I stand here in front of you to openly talk about my Infertility journey.


How long will you suffer in silence? You don’t need to. Let not the social pressures bully you. We are listening. Connect with us and share your experiences. You are a fighter. Your story needs to get out there and inspire women.

If you have successfully crossed over the bridge then we need you more. It is payback time. You have been through this journey so no one knows the struggles better than you. If you think that you can make a difference to someone else’s infertility journey then you are most welcome. Join this cause and become an inspiration. You can even share or contribute anonymously.

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